How to order the book The Grumpy Guide to Radical Feminism from Brazilian site Clube de Autores

Andreia Nobre
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

This is a step-by-step tutorial, with screenshots, for English speakers on how to get the book The Grumpy Guide to Radical Feminism from Brazilian publishing website Clube de Autores. The need arose because many people would like to avoid Amazon, and many people do not have the Amazon option to buy paperback copies, like Australia.

1- Go to website Clube de Autores: click with the right button of the mouse/touch pad, or press Ctrl while you click here to open link in a new tab.

2- Click the option “Comprar”

3- Fill in “Informações de Envio” (Delivery information)

4- Choose the option “Desejo receber fora do Brasil” (I wish to order abroad).

5- Click in “Calcular Frete” (Calculate delivery fees) to get the final price with delivery included. Then, click em “Continuar” to proceed.

6- Confirm your personal information at “Confirme seus dados pessoais”, then click “Continuar

7- On the next page, scroll down and fill in the delivery address at “Endereço para entrega do Pedido”.

8- Write the delivery address, choose “Paypal”, follow the Paypal instructions and proceed to payment.

I hope this it’s helpful!



Andreia Nobre

Jornalista, escritora, autora do Guia (mal-humorado) do Feminismo Radical e do Guia (mal-humorado) da Maternagem